Tuesday 18 October 2016


Can't be bothered to read a proper book about dogs?
Then this is for you!

Let's face it, there are lots and lots of amazing animal books out there (and we should know), but, sometimes, reading is just too much trouble. Hubble & Hattie has teamed up with Scrabble, owner of human Mike Dicks, to make a book especially for those moments when words are a little too … uh … wordy.

Thanks to my hobbies, I'm used to reading books with some very strange words (Chlorophyllum rhacodes, anyone? Or would you prefer Neocallimastigomycota?), but, sometimes, it's just too much for me to take in. At times like these, I like to pick up a book that's a little easier to digest … and just the thing is coming to Hubble & Hattie soon …


A guide to training your new Human

Mike&Scrabble is best described as a simple picture book for people who can't be bothered to read a proper book about dogs. It's a picture book for adults: a funny, sometimes melancholy, and – occasionally – accurate guide to understanding the relationship between a dog, and her human pet.

The book began life as a series of illustrations, originally created as a therapeutic exercise, when Mike suddenly became a dog owner one January. A funny look at pet ownership from the perspective of the dog, Mike&Scrabble already have a loyal and growing following on social media. 

We can't wait to see the book in print, but, until then, checkout Mike talking about the book, below.

… and make sure you checkout Mike&Scrabble on Facebook and Twitter for some sage advice for your dog on human ownership, and read all about the book over at Hubble & Hattie … and if that's not enough, we will be releasing a special eBook version, complete with animations and sound effects!


A guide to training your new Human

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