Kac Young has many attributes to her name – producer, TV writer, director, multiple doctorates – and now, dog owner. Together with Lisa Tenzin-Dolma – founder of the Dog Issues Advice Line (DIAL) and The International School for Canine Practitioners (ISCP) – she has written The Supposedly Enlightened Person's Guide to Raising a Dog, an exceptional book that explores Kac's latest venture of becoming a 'dog mom.'
Having previously only been a cat owner, Kac never imagined having a dog, until she met Talulah; sometimes; the dog choses you! Having consulted Lisa on all-things dog-related from the start, it is only natural that Kac's anecdotes should be followed by Lisa's observations and guidance. Combined, Kac and Lisa provide a vital insight into the best way to establish a loving and trusting relationship between you and your dog.
This book is proving a very popular read amongst Hubble &Hattie fans, with multiple five star reviews; it seems that Kac and Lisa have hit upon a winning formula with their co-production!

– Dog Training Weekly
"Enjoy an uplifting read about learning to love a dog, and learning to earn a dog's love too! Marc Bekoff's foreward to this book is an enduring endorsement of the pioneering work of Hubble & Hattie in publishing books written by ethical guardians of other species. Behind this superbly illustrated saga shines a beautiful bright light that will never be extinguished. Kac Young's gentle self-deprecating humour permeates The Supposedly Enlightened Person's Guide to Raising a Dog and offers comfort and wisdom to the newbie dog guardian. Lisa Tenzin-Dolma is the patient mentor strengthening the connection between Kac, Talulah, and then also Truffle. Lisa taught Kac the language of dogs in this insightful journey of developing an enduring, respectful relationship between species. Integrating an adopted dog into the busy lives of two professional adults is hard work. Kac's carefully documented account offers so much. It covers every imaginable aspect of helping a dog to understand the chaotic world of humans.

"Kac shares her aspirations as an adoptive guardian in a heart-warming read. She embraces her new role with humility, a willingness to learn and a heart full of unconditional love. Lisa's generous advice is also compressed into easy-to-follow dot points. The Supposedly Enlightened Person's Guide to Raising a Dog is irresistible."
– Geelong Obedience Dog Club
"I loved this book so much! A proud rescuer myself, I related to everything Kac wrote about here, and even learned a few cool new things about my boy, this creature who never ceases to amaze me (and exasperate me) at the age of seven. If you're a dog lover – or a cat lover (or a something in between) – you'll enjoy this book. Happily, they also bring to light a few tips and tricks that will definitely come in handy if you're having trouble training your young and stubborn one. This is such a great book! Wonderful job, Kac and Lisa – and very well written, too!"
– J Randy and Spencer, NY Times Book List Best Seller
"The stories of life as a first-time adopter describe Kac's progression from slightly shell-shocked beginner to savvy, adoring dog guardian. Entertaining and informative, readers will see how Kac consulted with behaviourist Lisa Tenzin-Dolma on all-things dog-related, and will get Lisa's own observations and guidance on a wide range of subjects following Kac and Talulah's many stories. An engaging, entertaining, and informative read from cover to cover, The Supposedly Enlightened Person's Guide to Raising a Dog will help anyone with a new canine companion of their own start off on the right foot – or paw – with a new dog, or get reacquainted with a long-time canine friend and companion!"
– Midwest Book Review

– Trevor Turner, BVetMed, MRCVS, FRSH, MCIArb
In addition to all of these fabulous reviews, Kac has taken it upon herself to go on her own press tour, scheduling radio and television interviews around California and beyond, to talk about her book, ahead of its in-store release in the United States. During these interviews, we get to learn more about Kac's new found home life: how she simply fell in love with Talulah in an instant, despite being convinced that the only pets she ever needed were her cats; how Kac's and Lisa's friendship developed over the years; how Kac was inspired by Lisa's story with her own rescue dog, Charlie – which you can read for yourself in Lisa's book Charlie – The Dog Who Came in from the Wild, also from Hubble & Hattie – how the idea for this book came about … the list really does go on! Click the following links to hear Kac's and Lisa's interviews.
Radio host Wendy Garrett, from Conscious Living, also shared her own review of the book off-air, which we have for you here:
"Timely perspective and insight on so many relevant topics. Choc-full of compassionate understanding, gentle reproach and non-punitive, illustrative techniques to help reinforce and reward our cherished companions in ways that speak directly to them, you succeed in advocating guidance that is a win/win situation for the pet, especially for those who know their person has a heart but is flat-out of clues. The beautiful pictures are so well done and fun!"
Radio host Wendy Garrett, from Conscious Living, also shared her own review of the book off-air, which we have for you here:
"Timely perspective and insight on so many relevant topics. Choc-full of compassionate understanding, gentle reproach and non-punitive, illustrative techniques to help reinforce and reward our cherished companions in ways that speak directly to them, you succeed in advocating guidance that is a win/win situation for the pet, especially for those who know their person has a heart but is flat-out of clues. The beautiful pictures are so well done and fun!"