
Thursday, 13 January 2011

Dinner with Rover gets a lip-smacking review!

It's always nice to hear something good said about one of our books, and when the accolades come from a canine it's even better!

A recent review from Four Shires Magazine said that Dinner with Rover our 'unique recipe book packed with scrumptious meals that you and your dog will love' has got their dog begging, rolling over and sitting with the best of them for a copy!

'Dog feels the £9.99 price tag is well worth the eternal face licking that his owner would receive for providing food for him that is a little different from the norm!'

nom nom nom!

Dog is quite right. The selection of delicious dinners for you and your hound will have tails wagging all day long, and best of all you'll know exactly what's going in to it.

Click here to learn more about Dinner with Rover and get cooking!

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