Everyone here at Hubble and Hattie wants to wish you all a brilliant Christmas and a fantastic new year! We hope everyone has fun, and remember, if you're getting or giving a pet this year, it's not just for Christmas!
Dogs Etc Ltd has some good advice to give on puppies and Christmas time, and it's well worth a read so go check it out..
Have a waggy happy Christmas everyone!
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Friday, 17 December 2010
A brand new lemur!

A new species of lemur has been discovered on the island of Madagascar, which is the natural habitat of over one hundred species of lemur
The new species has been called the head-bobbing lemur, after the unusual movement it makes with its head.

You can read more about the Head-Bobbing Lemur on the National Geographic website
Thursday, 9 December 2010
Dinner with Rover's first review!
We are very excited here at Hubble and Hattie; our brand new book, Dinner with Rover, has just been reviewed by the Mail!
Dinner with Rover is an exciting new cookbook that provides tasty and nutritious meals that you and your dog can share. It's the perfect Christmas gift for dog lovers and foodies alike.
The review appeared in The Mail on Sunday this week, but you can still read it here on the Mail Online, so check it out and let us know what you think!
You can buy Dinner with Rover over at the newly revamped Hubble and Hattie website, so take a look and happy cooking!
Friday, 3 December 2010
Hubble & Hattie for iPhone!
We are busy busy at Hubble & Hattie; we've got tons of great new books on the way, news to give you here at the blog, plus fun animal videos over at the YouTube channel, not to mention all the fun tweets and links over at Twitter!
It's hard to keep up sometimes, and we know that, like us, you guys are busy people too.
That's why we thought it'd be a great idea to get Hubble & Hattie on the move...

It's available here for download to your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad, and best of all it's FREE!
Well, it's nearly Christmas after all.
Friday, 26 November 2010
I've gone social networking mad!
Hi Guys, Kim here!
I've gone and made a Facebook account where you can find even more great stuff about Hubble and Hattie!
Come and be friends, share your photos and celebrate all things animal with me here.
Don't forget to check out the Hubble&Hattie facebook page while you're there, it's got some great photos of our H&H menagerie, plus some awesome links.
See you there!
I've gone and made a Facebook account where you can find even more great stuff about Hubble and Hattie!
Come and be friends, share your photos and celebrate all things animal with me here.
Don't forget to check out the Hubble&Hattie facebook page while you're there, it's got some great photos of our H&H menagerie, plus some awesome links.
See you there!
Holiday season pet precautions
It's that time of year again; any excuse for a party or a festival. We might like to eat and drink ourselves silly over the holidays, but it's not good news for your pets! Check out how holiday temptations can harm your pets by clicking here.
And remember, eating your weight in turkey probably isn't advisable for you either!
And remember, eating your weight in turkey probably isn't advisable for you either!
Friday, 12 November 2010
How to help your dog unwind...
Dog Relax – Relaxed dogs, relaxed owners
By Sabina Pilgug
£ 14.99 + postage
In order for dog and human to live together harmoniously, both need to be relaxed to allow them to communicate properly and enjoy training.
The technique ‘Dog Relax’ was developed to ensure that both owner and dog are relaxed, through a combination of breathing and movement exercises for the the owner, and stretching, movement and special massage for the dog. This lovely book holds the secret to a different approach to living and working with your dog, but not so different that it is in any way alienating.
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Would you like to see a hedgehog inhaling some bacon?

Of course you would!
Hubble & Hattie now has a YouTube channel where we showcase some pretty awesome animal videos, as well as some interesting facts about them.
In this video, watch Harry enjoying some bacon, and read the description to find out what's good to feed the hedgehogs you might find in your garden.
You and Your Border Terrier – the App!
We at Hubble & Hattie have been beavering away creating an iPhone app of our recently published book, You and Your Border Terrier.
This app gives you everything you need to know about choosing, buying and enjoying your Border Terrier, including breed background, settling in your new arrival, and what to expect as your canine companion grows up. Packed with illustrations – many especially commissioned – which colourfully illustrate and describe these captivating dogs.
In addition, in-app videos feature informative voice-overs by well-known author David Alderton!
Click here for more info
AVAILABLE NOW for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad through the iTunes App Store.
This app gives you everything you need to know about choosing, buying and enjoying your Border Terrier, including breed background, settling in your new arrival, and what to expect as your canine companion grows up. Packed with illustrations – many especially commissioned – which colourfully illustrate and describe these captivating dogs.
In addition, in-app videos feature informative voice-overs by well-known author David Alderton!
Click here for more info
Price: £1.79 UK
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Puppies in need
Foster mums are being requested urgently for this box of puppies after they were found abandoned at the back of a Yorkshire cinema aged at just one day old.
Visit the Dogs Trust site for the full story...
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Hoglet Watch: Bonfire Night!

It's Wednesday; only two days until Bonfire Night, which means bonfires are being built up and down the country, ready for a fun night of jacket potatoes, fireworks and hot drinks.
It also means we need to ensure that our prickly pals are safe and sound when the time comes to lighting the bonfire, so take a moment and check out our H&H Hedgehog Hints below to help you have a hedgehog-friendly bonfire night!
Make it near the date
Around this time of year, hedgehogs are looking for places to hibernate. They prefer warm, dry covered places, and, to a hedgehog, your unlit bonfire equals a ready-made nest! Therefore, the closer to the 5th that you build your bonfire, the better, because there's less chance any hedgehogs will have come across what they see as a perfect place to curl up and snooze away the winter.
Another place to crash
Variety is the spice of life, so before the day, why not make an alternative nest site for any wandering hogs by piling up leaves and twigs in another spot in the garden? The idea is that your handmade hedgehog den will attract hogs to it rather than the bonfire, so make sure it's a good distance away from the fire when you build it, and that it's safe from any pet cats or dogs who might be wondering what's going on...
Security check
Even with your cozy leaf pile, there's no guarantee that you bonfire will be hedgehog free (fussy hogs!), so before you light it, make sure to check the pile carefully with a rake and a torch for any animals that might be snuggled up in the depths. If you find any sleepy hedgehogs, move them carefully (you may need to wear gloves to protect yourself from the spines!) to your ready-made leaf pile, or to a hay-lined box which you could prepare beforehand to keep them safe while you celebrate. It won't take long to de-hedgehog your bonfire, and once you have, you can enjoy your evening in front of the fire knowing that your Guy Fawkes is the only thing you'll be toasting!
The Wildlife Trust also has tips on making your bonfire and your garden hedgehog friendly, so why not pay it a visit? They also have some great information about other autumn events that might affect the wildlife around you, so it's well worth a read!
Keep checking back her for more hog tips and stories throughout the week, and don't forget to check out our Tumblr and our Facebook for even more hedgehog pictures and facts!
Even with your cozy leaf pile, there's no guarantee that you bonfire will be hedgehog free (fussy hogs!), so before you light it, make sure to check the pile carefully with a rake and a torch for any animals that might be snuggled up in the depths. If you find any sleepy hedgehogs, move them carefully (you may need to wear gloves to protect yourself from the spines!) to your ready-made leaf pile, or to a hay-lined box which you could prepare beforehand to keep them safe while you celebrate. It won't take long to de-hedgehog your bonfire, and once you have, you can enjoy your evening in front of the fire knowing that your Guy Fawkes is the only thing you'll be toasting!
The Wildlife Trust also has tips on making your bonfire and your garden hedgehog friendly, so why not pay it a visit? They also have some great information about other autumn events that might affect the wildlife around you, so it's well worth a read!
Keep checking back her for more hog tips and stories throughout the week, and don't forget to check out our Tumblr and our Facebook for even more hedgehog pictures and facts!
Animals In Need
We here at H&H think this is a great idea... follow the link to sign the petition for an annual programme like Children In Need, but for animals:
They could call it 'Furry Nose Day'...
Animals In Need donation programme.
Please sign our petition and pass on to as many people as possible, we hope 5,000 people will sign it and then we will write to the BBC and say as license payers we wish to see a similar programme to help animals in need!
For 15 years £35 million pounds has been raised for Chilren, but now is the time to help animals, this last 18 months Rescue Centres all over the UK has suffered a 45% drop in daonation, we need a fun programme to help all animals. Pets, wildlife, conservation projects.
Enough of talking time for action!!
You can view the petition here, and get involved!
They could call it 'Furry Nose Day'...
Animals In Need donation programme.
Please sign our petition and pass on to as many people as possible, we hope 5,000 people will sign it and then we will write to the BBC and say as license payers we wish to see a similar programme to help animals in need!
For 15 years £35 million pounds has been raised for Chilren, but now is the time to help animals, this last 18 months Rescue Centres all over the UK has suffered a 45% drop in daonation, we need a fun programme to help all animals. Pets, wildlife, conservation projects.
Enough of talking time for action!!
You can view the petition here, and get involved!
How Does Your Dog Smell?
Smellorama! – nose games for dogs
By Viviane Theby
With up to 100 times as many olfactory receptors as humans, dogs use their sense of smell to ‘see’ and interpret their world, just as we do with our eyes. A dog’s keen sense of smell is helped by a wet nose which has a layer of mucus that absorbs some scent molecules more quickly, allowing even the faintest scent to be detected and followed. And it’s not just specialist hounds such as gun, drug and bomb detection dogs that have this amazing ability. All dogs love to sniff out new smells and messages – their very own p-mail! – so your faithful friend can be taught to find those lost car keys, tell you if your food contains minute traces of nuts, or even locate a missing person, and in such a way that these ‘nose games’ are great fun for both of you!
£9.99 (+ postage) You can buy this book from our shop here
Monday, 1 November 2010
Hoglet Watch - Meet the Hoglets

Hedgehogs are one of Britain's best loved creatures; Beatrix Potter's Mrs Tiggywinkle is a household name, and who amongst us didn't shed a tear or two when the hedgehogs got run over in The Animals of Farthing Wood?
Despite their charm, hedgehogs still need our help. In 2007, the european hedgehog made it onto a list of animals which are in need of greater conservation, which is why we at Hubble & Hattie want to spread some love about our spiny little chums, and where better to start then right here at home!
Meet Harry, one of the H&H hoglets who are being looked after by our director, Jude.
Harry first arrived with Jude at the end of June, when a lady in Weymouth found him in her garden and was unable to care for him. He weighed just 200 grams, and was about three weeks old. He was tiny, and no one knew if he'd make it.
Jude kept him snug in a cardboard box lined with newspaper and hay at one end so he could make a nest for himself. Harry was fed on cat food, the odd spoonful of scrambled egg, and a little bit of special kitten food which helps to supply needed vitamins. Jude also gave him dried mealworms to try, but he wasn't too keen!
Harry, being a noisy hoglet, kept Jude up at night with his snuffling and snorting, despite being in a different room and down a flight of stairs. Every morning Jude would go to check him in his box to discover what looked like the aftermath of a very energetic party. Paper shredded, water bowl tipped upside down, food devoured. Despite this general hedgehog mess, Harry was very particular about where he went to the toilet: it was usually in his food dish.
Harry seemed to like adventuring just as much as the next hog, and wasn't afraid to go exploring. On his rambles around the dining room (which he would partake in as his box was cleaned) he would come across Immie, our resident H&H hound. As you can see here, Immie seems rather uncomfortable with her prickly new 'friend', though Harry doesn't seem too bothered!
A bright and active hoglet, Harry gained weight steadily, travelling with Jude and Immie across the country on visits, also popping in to Hubble & Hattie HQ to say hi! Of course, we all thought he was brilliant.
Harry is now living it up in the garden in what can only be described as the Ritz of hedgehog homes. He moved from the house to an outside home with a run as he got bigger, where Jude could keep an eye on his weight gain. When he reached 600 grams, he moved house to the bottom of the garden where there's undergrowth, cover, and no fences! Harry is a free hog, who happens to benefit from a few home comforts... his house is warm, comfortable, and best of all quiet; Harry will be able to while away the winter safe and snug in his hoggy hotel. And, of course, until such time as he decides to take that long snooze, he's still getting fed each night!
The important thing about these houses is that they are safe for hedgehogs to hibernate in. Many hedgehogs are killed accidentally each year in bonfires. With Guy Fawkes celebrations taking place at the end of the week, what better time to give you the dos and dont's of hedgehog safety when making your bonfire, plus some tips on how to create your own hedgehog friendly garden, so keep checking back everyday this week for new info, photos and updates on the H&H Hoglets. You'll also get the chance through the week to submit your own hedgehog stories, photos and artwork, both here and on our facebook site, so if you have any hedgehog related antics to share, we'd love to know about them!
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Hoglet Watch!

With Bonfire night drawing ever closer, we at Hubble & Hattie decided to celebrate one of Britain's most prickly inhabitants, the hedgehog!
Our director, Jude is currently rearing six baby hedgehogs, or hoglets, to ensure they get up to a healthy weight for hibernation, so we are lucky enough to have the inside scoop into just what exactly a baby hedgehog needs to grow and go about it's daily life.
Hoglet watch will be running until the hedgehog's are released into the wild with weekly updates, and from the 1st November to the 5th, we will be running daily features which will relate to our spiny friends, including what to do if you should find an abandoned hoglet, how to make your garden hedgehog friendly, and most importantly with Bonfire night approaching, de-hedgehogging tips for your bonfire.
Hoglet watch goes live this afternoon, so watch this space for some hedgehog love and appreciation!
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
What's Your Dog Thinking?
Know Your Dog - The Guide to a Beautiful Relationship
By Immanuel Birmelin
Dogs are thinking, feeling beings: individuals, just as we are, with different personalities, strengths and weaknesses, and distinct emotional lives. Get to know your companion from a different perspective through simple routines and games that you can do at home, and understand your dog much better as the relationship between you grows even deeper.
£9.99 (+ postage) You can buy this book from our online store here
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Are Border Terriers as Wise as They Look?
You and Your Border Terrier – The Essential Guide
By David Alderton
Everything you need to know about choosing, buying and enjoying your Border Terrier, including breed background, settling in your new arrival, establishing a daily routine and what to expect as your canine companion grows up. Over 100 illustrations – many especially commissioned – colourfully illustrate and describe these captivating dogs.
£ 9.99 (+ postage) You can buy this book from our online store here...
Hands-on Advice from a Professional Practitioner
The Complete Dog Massage Manual – Gentle Dog Care By Julia Robertson
Demonstrates and explains to owners how they can apply relevant and safe massage to their own dogs; together with underpinning information about how the dog ‘works’ in relation to what effects massage has on the animal. Describes a relevant procedure of treatments from puppy to veteran; incorporating within the massage techniques a ‘trouble shooting’ guide for problems when working on your dog. The book has clear photos and descriptions of the techniques and explains how, by laying your hands on your dog, you can be so much more in touch with his or her health.
£ 12.99 (+ postage) You can buy this book from our online store here...
Monday, 4 October 2010
Proof that Microchipping works!
A cat and her owner are reunited after spending five months apart at opposite ends of the country! Read Phoenix's full story here
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Go Green with your Pet
Head on over to the Animal Planet website and find out what the top 5 environmentally friendly pets are!
Click here to check your pet's carbon pawprint, learn about green pet products and find out ways to make your pet more eco-friendly!
Click here to check your pet's carbon pawprint, learn about green pet products and find out ways to make your pet more eco-friendly!
Are Cockapoos the Coolest Looking Pets?
Everything you need to know about choosing, buying and enjoying your Cockapoo, including breed background, settling in your new arrival, establishing a daily routine and what to expect as your canine companion grows up. Over 100 illustrations – many especially commissioned – colourfully illustrate and describe these captivating dogs
All Dog Owners Can Learn A Lot From This Book
Confined to a wheelchair but still want a dog - is that a good idea? Indeed it is, as Alexander Epp, the author of Waggy Tails & Wheelchairs - who’s wheelchair dependant - ably demonstrates. Here, everything that mobility-impaired potential dog owners need to consider to enable them to own and care for their very own canine companion, even if finances are restricted; or they do not have their own car, carers or helpers, is described and illustrated in detail. 50p from every book sold goes to Dogs for the Disabled.
Monday, 27 September 2010
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Pets Win Prizes!
There’s still a couple of days left to enter the My Pet Has a Heart of Gold competition over at www.petstreet.co.uk, so if you think your pet is the sweetest creature around, head on over and put up your photos, and you could win a Hubble & Hattie book!
visit www.petstreet.co.uk/PetIdol_Competition to find out more.
visit www.petstreet.co.uk/PetIdol_Competition to find out more.
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
An excerpt from brand new Hubble & Hattie book You and Your Border Terrier - The Essential Guide can be found in this month's Pet magazine. Check it out!
Click image to view full size 
You and Your Border Terrier – The Essential Guide
By David Alderton
Everything you need to know about choosing, buying and enjoying your Border Terrier, including breed background, settling in your new arrival, establishing a daily routine and what to expect as your canine companion grows up. Over 100 illustrations – many especially commissioned – colourfully illustrate and describe these captivating dogs.
Click here for more info about the book.

By David Alderton
Everything you need to know about choosing, buying and enjoying your Border Terrier, including breed background, settling in your new arrival, establishing a daily routine and what to expect as your canine companion grows up. Over 100 illustrations – many especially commissioned – colourfully illustrate and describe these captivating dogs.
Click here for more info about the book.
Friday, 11 June 2010
Veloce Publishing is pleased to announce that, for every copy sold of its latest Hubble & Hattie book, Waggy Tails & Wheelchairs, 50p will be donated to Dogs for the Disabled.
As Peter Gorbing, Chief Executive of Dogs for the Disabled, says in the introduction to the book: “Waggy Tails & Wheelchairs has lots of useful information that any wheelchair or scooter user who is contemplating getting a dog would do well to read. The author is realistic about the work involved in having a dog, but if the right strategies are in place, it will be a tremendously rewarding experience for both the individual and the dog.
“As an organisation involved in training assistance dogs, Dogs for the Disabled has built up many years of practical experience of working with wheelchair users. Whilst Dogs for the Disabled uses some different techniques in its training work, this book nevertheless contains a wealth of tips that will prove invaluable.
“If you are a wheelchair user thinking of getting a companion dog, this is the book for you.”
Buying a copy of this book will contribute to the continuation of this pioneering charity that does so much good work towards changing the lives of adults and children with disabilities.
Thanks also to Sky1 for helping to promote the book, and the cause, with this competition.

“As an organisation involved in training assistance dogs, Dogs for the Disabled has built up many years of practical experience of working with wheelchair users. Whilst Dogs for the Disabled uses some different techniques in its training work, this book nevertheless contains a wealth of tips that will prove invaluable.
“If you are a wheelchair user thinking of getting a companion dog, this is the book for you.”
Buying a copy of this book will contribute to the continuation of this pioneering charity that does so much good work towards changing the lives of adults and children with disabilities.
Thanks also to Sky1 for helping to promote the book, and the cause, with this competition.
Wednesday, 2 June 2010

The complete guide to harmonious living for you and your dog
By Alexander Epp
For every copy sold a donation is made to Dogs for the Disabled.
Confined to a wheelchair but still want a dog - is that a good idea?
Indeed it is, as the author – who’s wheelchair dependent – ably demonstrates. Here, everything that mobility-impaired potential dog owners need to consider to enable them to own and care for their very own canine companion, even if finances are restricted, or they do not have their own car, carers or helpers, is described and illustrated in detail.
Wheelchair and mobility scooter users face their own particular challenges when it comes to dog ownership: how will they walk their dog; train and teach it; play games with it, and, all importantly, pick up that poop?
From his unique viewpoint, the author answers all of these questions and concerns, and more besides, in this new book – which is available now from bookshops or www.velocebooks.com – allowing readers to assess and determine whether they can share their special lifestyle with a dog, and what they can do in preparation for this happy circumstance.
Available now!
Friday, 14 May 2010
Thursday, 29 April 2010

There's just a few days left to enter Sky 1's great new competition, where ... 'one lucky winner will win a selection of four fantastic books that will help you get to know your best friend that little bit better!' See full details here
Tuesday, 13 April 2010

With up to 100 times as many olfactory receptors as humans, dogs use their sense of smell to ‘see’ and interpret their world, just as we do with our eyes. A dog’s keen sense of smell is helped by a wet nose which has a layer of mucus that absorbs some scent molecules more quickly, allowing even the faintest scent to be detected and followed. And it’s not just specialist hounds such as gun, drug and bomb detection dogs that have this amazing ability. All dogs love to sniff out new smells and messages – their very own p-mail! – so your faithful friend can be taught to find those lost car keys, tell you if your food contains minute traces of nuts, or even locate a missing person, and in such a way that these ‘nose games’ are great fun for both of you!
More info.
Monday, 8 March 2010

Judith Brooks with her dog Immie and Veloce Publishing co-director Rod Grainger check one of the new Hubble and Hattie range of animal-themed books. Picture by James Dadzitis.
The Hubble & Hattie imprint is devoted to animals and takes its name from two West Highland White terriers that directors Judith and Rod used to own.
Judith said: "While the subject matter is animals these are not lightweight fluffy kitten books. They are about the understanding and relationships that develop between species. We hope as well as telling good stories they are useful and insightful. We're very proud of the quality that we want all our books to radiate."
Friday, 5 March 2010

It can seem like the end of the world when the vet tells you that, sadly, your beloved dog is going blind; it’s natural to put yourself in their place and imagine how catastrophic this news would be ...
But with life-changing events such as these, there’s one essential difference between the human and canine species: dogs won’t waste too much time feeling sorry for themselves, or asking “why me?” After taking stock, they will – with your help – adapt and get on with the joyful business of living.
This invaluable book will sympathetically show the owner of the newly-blind, or already blind dog that their loyal friend is still the same, with the same zest for and enjoyment of life. With love and careful thought, you and your dog can get as much out of life as you always have, having fun and establishing an even closer bond as you help each other find new or adapted ways to live together. More info.
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